Carrying his rural southwestern blues influences with him from San Marcos, Texas, Eddie would become a leading architect of the Kansas City swing jazz sound in the 1920s and 30s.
As a trombonist, guitarist, writer and arranger, he helped to author the signature sounds of Count Basie, Benny Moten, Jimmie Lunceford and Glenn Miller, while his pioneering work with amplified and electric guitars would usher in the rock 'n roll of today.
now airing on pbs stations nationwide
The film is produced by WVIA in Northeastern PA, and will air on WVIA TV on the following dates:
Thursday, April 4th 9pm
Friday, April 5th 2pm
Wednesday, April 24th 3pm
Thursday, April 25th 7pm
Friday, April 26th 4pm
Wham-Re-Bop-Boom-Bam: The Swing Jazz of Eddie Durham will be available to PBS stations through American Public Television distribution.
Find out if your station is airing Wham! this February! See the full list of national airdates here.
hear from the creators
Producer and Musical Director
Loren schoenberg
Loren Schoenberg is a senior scholar of the National Jazz Museum in Harlem, on the faculty at Juilliard and has taught at Manhattan School of Music and the New School. Schoenberg has lectured at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the White House, the New York Philharmonic, Stanford University, and the Aspen Institute. Schoenberg, a tenor saxophonist/pianist, has played and recorded with Benny Carter, Benny Goodman, Jimmy Heath, Eddie Durham, Marian McPartland, Clark Terry, John Lewis, Christian McBride, and Buck Clayton, and he was musical director for Bobby Short from 1997 to 2005. He also received two Grammy awards for best album notes, in 1994 and 2004. Schoenberg has been published widely (including in The New York Times), and his book, The NPR Guide to Jazz, was released in 2003. In 2001, he led the effort to establish the National Jazz Museum in Harlem and served for more than a decade as its executive director, creating many of its signal programs and enlisting Christian McBride, Jonathan Batiste, Ken Burns, and Wynton Marsalis to help further the museum’s mission.
Consulting Producer
Andrew j. sordoni III
Kris hendrickson
Kris Hendrickson earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Communications from the University of Scranton and has worked as a director, producer, editor and graphic designer for both commercial and public media stations. He has worked in the field of live broadcasting since 1990, directing news programs, live performances, entertainment programs and cultural programs. Since 1999, Kris has been part of the production and creative team at WVIA, the PBS affiliate in Northeastern and Central Pennsylvania. He is a two-time Mid-Atlantic Regional Emmy winner, an eleven-time Emmy nominee, and the recipient of six awards from the Pennsylvania Association of Broadcasters. Some of Kris’ work as director, producer and editor include the award winning WVIA series You’re The Chef, distributed nationally through The National Educational Television Association, and documentaries such as Remembering the Sirens and Wham-Re-Bop-Boom-Bam: The Swing Jazz of Eddie Durham, distributed nationally. Kris is also a director and frequent content contributor to WVIA’s Keystone Edition series, as well as the Emmy-winning WVIA digital series VIA Short Takes.
Executive Producer
Ben Payavis II
About the film
Through the testimonials of family, friends and devoted fellow musicians of all ages, Wham-Re-Bop-Boom-Bam: The Swing Jazz of Eddie Durham follows the musical journey of this often overlooked, but totally unique, musical genius.
Educational Curriculum based upon the film is available through PBS Learning Media.
featured interviews
press & Reviews
The following stations will broadcast Wham-Re-Bop-Boom-Bam: The Swing Jazz of Eddie Durham. Please contact your local station for dates and times.KACV Amarillo, TX | KAID Boise, ID | KAKM Anchorage, AK | KAWB Brainerd, MN | KAWE Bemidji, MN | KBDI Broomfield, CO | KBGS Billings, MT | KBIN Council Bluffs, IA | KBME Bismarck, ND | KCDT Coeur d'Alene, ID | KCGE Crookston, MN | KCPT Kansas City, MO | KCWC Riverton, WY | KOCK Dodge City, KS | KDIN Des Moines, IA | KDSE Dickinson, ND | KEDT Corpus Christi, TX | KEET Eureka, CA | KENW Portales, NM | KEPB Eugene, OR | KFME Fargo, ND | KGFE Grand Forks, ND | KHET Honolulu, HI | KHIN Red Oak, IA | KHNE Hastings, NE | KIIN Iowa City, IA | KIPT Twin Falls, ID | KISU Pocatello, ID | KJRE Ellendale, ND | KLCS Los Angeles, CA | KLNE Lexington, NE | KLPA Alexandria, LA | KLPB Lafayette, LA | KLRN San Antonio, TX | KLRU Austin, TX | KLTL Lake Charles, LA | KLTM Lake Charles, LA | KLTS Shreveport, LA | KLVX Las Vegas, NV | KMDE Devil's Lake, ND | KMEB Wailuku, HI | KMNE Bassett, NE | KMOS Sedalia, MO | KNMD Santa Fe, NM | KNME Albuquerque, NM | KNPB Reno, NV | KOAB Bend, OR | KOAC Corvallis, OR | KOOD Bunker Hill, KS | KOPB Portland, OR | KPBS San Diego, CA | KPBT Odessa, TX | KPKJ San Mateo, CA | KPNE North Platte, NE | KPTW Casper, WY | KQED San Francisco, CA | KQEH San Jose, CA | KQET Watsonville, CA | KQIN Davenport, IA | KRCB Cotati, CA | KRIN Waterloo, IA | KRMA Denver, CO | KRMJ Grand Junction, CO | KRMU Durango, CO | KRMZ Steamboat Springs, CO | KRNE Merriman, NE | KRSU Claremore, OK | KSIN Sioux City, IA | KSMN Worthington, MN | KSMQ Austin, MN | KSPS Spokane, WA | KSRE Minot, ND | KSWK Lakin, KS | KTCA St. Paul, MN | KTCI St. Paul, MN | KTIN Fort Dodge, IA | KTNE Alliance, NE | KTNW Richland, WA | KTSC Pueblo, CO | KTTZ Lubbock, TX | KTVR La Grande, OR | KTWU Topeka, KS | KUAC Fairbanks, AK | KUEN Salt Lake City , UT | KUFM Missoula, MT | KUGF Great Falls, MT | KUHM Helena, MT | KUHT Houston, TX | KUID Moscow, ID | KUKL Kalispell, MT | KUON Lincoln, NE | KUSM Bozeman, MT | KVCR San Bemadino, CA | KVPT Fresno, CA | KWCM Appleton, MN | KWKS Colby, KS | KWSE Williston, ND | KWSU Pullman, WA | KWYP Laramie, WY | KXNE Norfolk, NE | KYIN Mason City, IA | KYNE Omaha, NE | KYUK Bethel, AK | WAIQ Montgomery, AL | WBIQ Birmingham, AL | WBRA Roanoke, VA | WCET Cincinnati, OH | WCFE Plattsburgh, NY | WCIQ Mount Cheaha, AL | WCML Alpena, Ml | WCMU Mt. Pleasant, Ml | WCMV Cadillac, Ml | WCMW Manistee, Ml | WCPB Salisbury, MD | WCTE Cookeville, TN | WCVE Richmond, VA | WCVN Covington, KY | WCVW Richmond, VA | WDCQ Bad Axe, Ml | WDIQ Dozier, AL | WDPB Seaford, DE | WEAO Akron, OH | WEBA Allendale, SC | WEDU Tampa, FL | WEIQ Mobile, AL | WEIU Charleston, IL | WEKW Keene, NH | WENH Durham, NH | WETK Burlington, VT | WETP Knoxville, TN | WFIQ Florence, AL | WFPT Frederick, MD | WFSG Panama City, FL | WFSU Tallahassee, FL | WFWA Fort Wayne, IN | WFYI Indianapolis, IN | WGBY Springfield, MA | WGIQ Louisville, AL | WGPT Oakland, MD | WHA Madison, WI | WHIQ Huntsville, AL | WHLA La Crosse, WI | WHMC Conway, SC | WHRM Wausau, WI | WHTJ Charlottesville, VA | WHUT Washington, DC | WHWC Menomonie, WI | WHYY Philadelphia, PA | WIIQ Demopolis, AL | WILL Urbana, IL | WIPB Muncie, IN | WITV Charleston, SC | WJCT Jacksonville, FL | WJPM Florence, SC | WJWJ Beaufort, SC | WKAS Ashland, KY | WKGB Bowling Green, KY | WKHA Hazard, KY | WKLE Lexington, KY | WKMA Madisonville, KY | WKMJ Louisville, KY | WKMR Morehead, KY | WKMU Murray, KY | WKNO Memphis, TN | WKOH Owensboro, KY | WKON Owenton, KY | WKOP Knoxville, TN | WKPC Louisville, KY | WKPD Paducah, KY | WKPI Pikeville, KY | WKSO Somerset, KY | WKZT Elizabethtown, KY | WLAE New Orleans, LA | WLED Littleton, NH | WLEF Park Falls, WI | WLIW Garden City, NY | WLJT Lexington, TN | WLPB Baton Rouge, LA | WLRN Miami, FL | WLVT Allentown, PA | WMEC Macomb, IL | WMHT Schenectady, NY | WMPB Baltimore, MD | WMPT Annapolis, MD | WMVS Milwaukee, WI | WMVT Milwaukee, WI | WNEH Greenwood, SC | WNEO Alliance, OH | WNIN Evansville, IN | WNJB New Brunswick, NJ | WNJN Montclair, NJ | WNJS Camden, NJ | WNJT Trenton, NJ | WNMU Marquette, Ml | WNPI Norwood, NY | WNPT Nashville, TN | WNSC Rock Hill, SC | WNTV Greenville, SC | WNYE New York, NY | WOSU Columbus, OH | WOUB Athens, OH | WOUC Cambridge, OH | WPBA Atlanta, GA | WPBS Watertown, NY | WPNE Green Bay, WI | WPPT Philadelphia, PA | WPSU University Park, PA | WPTD Dayton, OH | WPTO Oxford, OH | WQEC Quincy, IL | WQED Pittsburgh, PA | WQLN Erie, PA | WQPT Moline, IL | WRET Spartanburg, SC | WRJA Sumter, SC | WRLK Columbia, SC | WSEC Jacksonville, IL | WSIU Carbondale, IL | WSKA Corning, NY | WSKG Binghamton, NY | WSRE Pensacola, FL | WTCI Chattanooga, TN | WTIU Bloomington, IN | WTVI Charlotte, NC | WTVP Peoria, IL | WUNC Chapel Hill, NC | WUND Edenton, NC | WUNE Linville, NC | WUNF Asheville, NC | WUNG Concord, NC | WUNJ Wilmington, NC | WUNK Greenville, NC | WUNL Winston-Salem, NC | WUNM Jacksonville, NC | WUNP Roanoke Rapids, NC | WUNU Lumberton, NC | WUNW Canton, NC | WUSI Olney, IL | WVER Rutland, VT | WVIA Pittston, PA | WVPT Harrisonburg, VA | WVTB St. Johnsbury, VT | WWPB Hagerstown, MD | WXXI Rochester, NY | WYES New Orleans, LA | WYIN Merrillville, IN